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Dalian Xinyuan Printing Co., Ltd.
Contact: Sun Li Hou Jin Shi Wen
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Address: Dalian city Jinzhou District Zhanqian Street Jinwan Road No. 417

Its important to like color printing or not.

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Its important to like color printing or not.

Release date:2019-02-14 Author: Click:

The premise of Dalian color printing factory is that you should understand printing process, printing management, cost accounting and so on, but also to ensure that there are a group of technically stable team, a large number of funds, now the material is basically cash spot. In the printing industry, pre-press is relatively easy and clean, and the practice time is about 1000.

But it's a bit low, because you don't know something, you have to learn everything, and you can work independently, depending on your performance. Opening a printing factory requires a lot of money, and it's difficult to approve. The printing industry is a bit hard to do, but the prospects and income are good. I used to do a book cover design in a printing factory. According to my observation, our printer's salary is second only to mine. Door factory director.

But the prerequisite is that you must be familiar with the printing process!!!!! The key is whether you like the industry or not, and the job should be happy, depending on your interest in the printing industry. Traditional printing is the so-called printing factory, you can see that joint printing is popular, but only a small number of people make money, business subcontracting, business tasks have shifted to the graphic shop, of course, the publishing house is also a big head. Packaging and printing are also very popular now.

Digital printing concentrates more on variable content and a small amount, which is the sunrise industry. Machine materials are changing with each passing day. There are many examples as special printing only: clothes printing pattern heat transfer, packaging, finished product filament screen printing pattern, toys, small items pattern water transfer printing, advertising materials direct jet reverse jet, large-scale face portrait.

Dalian color printing factory

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